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網站首頁新聞動態(tài) > 細胞中機動蛋白6運動模式
更新時間:2014-12-02 點擊量:2541

細胞突變可引起失明、失聰以至癌癥等不同的致命病征或身體殘缺,過往科學家已發(fā)現,細胞突變往往源于細胞內出現錯誤的運動方式,但對于具體情況卻所知不多,更遑論如何作治療。 香港科技大學生物化學系講座教授張明杰與其研究團隊,對人體細胞內用以運輸蛋白質的一種重要的“機動蛋白6(Myosin VI)”進行了長達8年的研究,終于成功找到其運動模式,成為細胞生化學的重大突破。研究團隊指,掌握“機動蛋白6”運動模式是糾正變異細胞的關鍵,未來更有機會發(fā)現所有相關疾病的*方法。
Cell, Volume 138, Issue 3, 537-548, 7 August 2009 doi:10.1016/j.cell.2009.05.030
Myosin VI Undergoes Cargo-Mediated Dimerization
Cong Yu1,3,Wei Feng1,3,Zhiyi Wei1,Yohei Miyanoiri1,Wenyu Wen1,Yanxiang Zhao2andMingjie Zhang1,,
1 Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Neuroscience Center, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
2 Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Myosin VI is the only known molecular motor that moves toward the minus ends of actin filaments; thus, it plays unique roles in diverse cellular processes. The processive walking of myosin VI on actin filaments requires dimerization of the motor, but the protein can also function as a nonprocessive monomer. The molecular mechanism governing the monomer-dimer conversion is not clear. We report the high-resolution NMR structure of the cargo-free myosin VI cargo-binding domain (CBD) and show that it is a stable monomer in solution. The myosin VI CBD binds to a fragment of the clathrin-coated vesicle adaptor Dab2 with a high affinity, and the X-ray structure of the myosin VI CBD in complex with Dab2 reveals that the motor undergoes a cargo-binding-mediated dimerization. The cargo-binding-induced dimerization may representa general paradigm for the regulation of processivity for myosin VI as well as other myosins, including myosin VII and myosin X.

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